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How To Choose Skateboard Grip Tape

how to choose griptape

When choosing your grip tape, there are a few factors you might want to consider. Skateboard grip tape comes in a variety of sizes, stickiness and grit (coarseness) – not to mention the different colors and prints. Your grip tape is a key part of your skateboard, so choosing one that’s suitable is part of leveling up a board that’s custom to you.

What Is Grip Tape for Skateboards?

Grip tape is a sandpaper-like material with an adhesive underside that sticks onto the top of your skateboard deck to help your shoes grip to the board, ensuring you don’t slide off while you skate. Grip tape is usually made of silicon carbide. It’s not known who started sticking sandpaper onto a skateboard deck as a solution to slipping, but it emerged sometime in the ’70s and marked the beginning of the evolution of grip tape as we know it today.


skateboard grip tape

Skateboard Grip Tape Buying Tips

We’ve put together a few of our top tips when buying grip tape below.

Pick the Right Grip Tape Sheet Size

Grip tape usually comes in 9" x 33" sheets, while oldschool board grip tape can measure up to 12" x 14". It’s important to know your board’s dimensions when choosing your grip tape size, as you’ll need a sheet that’s big enough to cover your deck completely.

Consider Grip Tape Stickiness

The more adhesive your tape is, the less likely it is to develop bubbles or tears. It will stick to your board longer and you’ll get maximum use out of it, although this also depends on the brand of grip tape and who’s applying it.

skateboard grip art

Check Out Different Colors

Most people would recognize the standard charcoal black grip tape that is seen on the majority of skateboards, but grip tape also comes in a wide range of designs and colors that allow you to personalize your deck. Since skateboarding is such a fun and creative pursuit, it’s common for skaters to use their griptape as a canvas for customization – whether that be with art, words or various designs. You can do this with supplies like paint pens, white out or even spray paint. Don’t be afraid to express yourself with your board!


types of grip tape

How Long Does Skateboard Grip Tape Last?

Skaters usually don’t change their grip tape, they change boards. However, as a rule of thumb, grip tape can last anywhere from six months to two years, depending on how often you skate. Replacing your grip tape is personal preference. If you feel that your grip tape is starting to slip, you can replace it with a fresh sheet. It’s important to note that grip tape can only be applied once – you can’t apply old, used grip tape to a new deck, so you’ll need a new sheet of grip tape each time you get a new skateboard deck.

Check out our article on How To Change Skateboard Grip Tape.


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